Monday, 1 August 2011


Weekends always feel like you did nothing and at the same time like you never stopped. They are my down time, I watch DVDs, eat far too much and forget that I'm ill. This weekend I had a terrible headache all weekend and pain in my hip, its weird how at weekends you push through it whereas during the week you feel like you should just stop. Surely it should be the other way around.

My favourite time is the hour or so I get in Starbucks every morning to work on my edits. They are going slowly at the moment. I'm not rushing anything but it feels like I'm working harder on them than I ever had. I think I'm in this haunting period. Rewriting feels like that sometimes, you aren't working on anything new but going over old ground and mending the mistakes. It feels good though and have been getting some new ideas.

I'm determined to write something about mental illness. My sister has been suffering with severe clinical depression for years and seeing her change from the person I knew before to this shell that can't function needs to be documented and appreciated somehow. I get glimpses of the old person now and again before she collapses inward again. This affects so many people and it needs to be appreciated and understood. I have a title and an idea, now I just need a protagonist who can do it justice.

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