Monday, 4 April 2011

New Beginnings

It's really strange starting again. I worked in my last place for eight years and recently started a new job (recently being last Friday). Eight years is such a long time and the place kind of became my prison but it also felt like somewhere that I knew and understood completely. The new place is strange and alien to me. I feel like a fish out of water just flapping around. I had these routines. Every morning I would go to the same Starbucks, would sit in the same place to do some writing and then I'd walk into work. I thought I had friends there, people that I could talk to and tell secrets too. I revealed far too much of myself and that is something I really regret. Now I'm in a new Starbucks, a new seat and I'm still writing. I don't intend to make any of the same mistakes though. A new start means a new perspective. When things go bad you have to look at why they went bad, at where they first started to go wrong and how you can stop it happening again. I think I've pinpointed my main problem. I put too much of myself out there and trusted people too easily. I'm all for trust and honesty but at the end of the day you have to keep a little part of yourself back because not everyone really deserves to see everything. Maybe my writing will benefit from these new changes. There is nothing worse than becoming stale and stuck in the same place but it takes time. My wounds are still fresh and incredibly painful so a new beginning feels like too much too soon.


  1. I am on one of your mailing lists for a writers and illustrators group in the North West, and found your blog by following one of your links at the end of an email from you. I'm glad to find your blog but sorry to read how tough things have been for you recently. I'm wishing you all good things in your new job and with your writing. Em

  2. Thank you so much Em. It really means a lot.
