As a writer when you are working on a novel your mind doesn't stop working, the creative impulses don't leave you alone just because you already have the plot you need. At the moment I feel like some kind of schizophrenic, I have all these characters buzzing around in my head demanding I write their story even though I'm trying to concentrate on rewriting an old manuscript to submit to an agent.
In light of all the terrible things that have happened over the last six months I have decided that my only option is to really throw myself into being a writer. I have a new part-time job which gives me more time to concentrate on what means the most to me, i.e. my writing.
Last Friday I attended the York Writers Festival. It was my first writers festival and it was awesome. I had signed up for an afternoon course with Julia Churchill and I had two one to ones with Agents from London. It was a fantastic experience, getting feedback on a work in progress and finding out whether it was marketable, well written and where to go next. I came away feeling really energised despite the long drive home.
Writing can be really solitary, sometimes its good to step away from the computer and actually go out and meet other writers. I have made some of my best and closest friends from joining writers groups and meeting other writers on the internet. I'd encourage any writer to get out there and join critique groups, book clubs, writers forums, etc. Don't let it cut into your actual writing time but make time for it.